

MCCC商科的计算机信息系统专业提供会计副学士学位, 应用程序开发, 计算机科学, cybersecurity and information assurance, 办公室的专业, PC support technician and system administration specialist. 证书s are offered in 应用程序开发, PC support technician and system administration specialist.

独联体:会计/ CIS


会计/CIS专业的应用科学副学士学位有会计和计算机课程相结合的双重重点. Students completing this program of study will have entry-level skills in both career areas


Upon successful completion of all degree requirements, graduates of this program should be able to:

  • 发展沟通, 团队合作, and leadership skills necessary to function productively and professionally.
  • Understand the importance of life-long learning, and be prepared to learn and understand new technological developments in their field. 
  • Perform financial accounting functions using proper format and procedure based on GAAP.     
  • Perform managerial accounting functions using proper format and procedure.      
  • 准备, 分析, and interpret financial statements and reports for service, merchandising and manufacturing companies.    
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of taxation.    
  • Demonstrate professional business communication skills.   
  • Perform accounting functions and applications in both a “manual” and a computerized environment.





This certificate program focuses on Web and mobile 应用程序开发.


Upon successful completion of all degree requirements, graduates of this program should be able to:

  • 展示和利用必要的技术知识和技能,在广度和深度上追求计算机科学的实践或高级学习.
  • Understand the importance of life-long learning, and be prepared to learn and understand new technological developments in their field.
  • 了解他们的计算机科学贡献的伦理和技术背景以及他们在其中的义务.
  • 发展沟通, 团队合作, and leadership skills necessary to function productively and professionally.





Upon successful completion of all degree requirements, graduates of this program should be able to:

  • Demonstrate and utilize necessary technical knowledge and skills both in breadth and depth, to pursue the practice or advanced study of 计算机科学.
  • Understand the importance of life-long learning, and be prepared to learn and understand new technological developments in their field.
  • 了解他们的计算机科学贡献的伦理和技术背景以及他们在其中的义务.
  • 发展沟通, 团队合作, and leadership skills necessary to function productively and professionally.

CIS: Cybersecurity and Information Assurance

Curriculuml /学位要求

计算机信息系统应用科学副学士学位(网络安全和信息保障)旨在为学生提供获得支持企业安全运营的入门级职位所需的基本技能的机会. The term “information assurance” encompasses the scientific, technical and management disciplines required to ensure computer and network security.


Upon successful completion of all degree requirements, graduates of this program should be able to:

Use, install, configure, manage, troubleshoot and maintain a server operating system.
Install, configure, use, troubleshoot and maintain microcomputer operating systems.
Demonstrate a basic understanding of networks and computer security in the business environment. Configure basic TCP/IP networking services on computers in the workplace.
Examine and apply the fundamental techniques of computer security.
Identify and explain risk and potential security 问题.
Demonstrate responsible computer use as it deals with social, 政治, legal and ethical 问题 in today's electronic society.
Demonstrate foundation knowledge of information security/assurance within the organization.
Demonstrate knowledge of the profession, 其组织, 目标和领导角色, 文学/出版物, 问题, 以及研究基础.
Demonstrate knowledge of security objectives and policy development

CIS: Office Professional


计算机信息系统办公室专业的应用科学副学士学位旨在为办公室工作提供全面的准备. The curriculum emphasizes communication skills as well as office applications software usage. Graduates of this program will be prepared for entry-level employment in corporate offices, 律师事务所, 医疗办公室, 酒店业, 教育行政办公室, and administrative departments of state or local governments.



1. 表现出对办公室专业人员所需的基本簿记和基本会计原则的理解.
2. Perform accounting functions and applications in both a “manual” and a computerized environment.
3. 展示对业务的基本结构和可能指导业务操作的基本业务原则的理解.
4. Communicate in a business-like manner using multiple modes of professional communication.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of computer usage as it deals with social, 政治, legal and ethical 问题 in today’s electronic society.
6. Use word processing software to correctly edit, format, proofread and complete business documents.
7. 使用文字处理软件创建包含图形和表格的复杂文档.
8. Create and prepare 电子表格s, presentations, and databases using office software applications.
9. 概念化和创建各种复杂的桌面出版文档使用标准的图形设计软件.

证书 Program: Office Specialist

计算机信息系统: Office Software Specialist (Microsoft Office Certification Prep), 证书

计算机信息系统: Office Specialist, 证书

此外,还具有计算机信息系统办公室的副学士学位, 十大外围app提供计算机信息系统办公室专家证书课程. 学院认识到许多雇主重视证明专业准备的证书. Courses taken under the certificate programs are applicable to the associate degree. 那些谁完成了这个证书课程将通常准备入门级就业作为行政协调员, 接待员, 数据录入专家, 管理专家, 行政助理, 办公室管理员, customer support specialists and office managers.

CIS办公室专家证书将帮助学生准备参加MOS(微软办公室专家)认证考试. Upon successful completion of MOS certifications, specialist positions may be available in IT business applications, 办公室的支持, 办公服务, IT field technician services and customer service. 该证书课程侧重于当今计算机技术人员所必需的知识和技能.


CIS: PC支持技术员






Upon successful completion of all degree requirements, graduates of this program should be able to:

  • 在当今的企业中,对不同的计算机硬件和操作系统进行日常维护.
  • Update and upgrade different computer hardware and operating systems in today’s businesses.
  • Recommend and implement different computer systems and operating systems in today’s businesses.
  • 排除和修理计算机及其外围设备以及当今商业中使用的操作系统.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of networks and computer security in the business environment.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the Microsoft Office Suite.
  • 运用基本的编程技能.

CIS: System Administration Specialist


应用科学副学士学位专为系统管理专家,旨在培养学生在局域网方面的能力, Windows Server组网, 硬件维护, 数据通信概念, various PC operating systems and administration fundamentals.




Upon successful completion of all degree requirements, graduates of this program should be able to: 

Use and configure essential office applications including word processing, 电子表格, 表示和数据库软件. Understand the evolution of technology and its basic concepts.
Install, configure, use, troubleshoot and maintain microcomputer operating systems.
Use, install, configure, manage, troubleshoot and maintain a server operating system.
Examine and apply the fundamental techniques of computer security .Identify and explain potential security 问题.
Demonstrate a basic understanding of networks and computer security in the business environment. Configure basic TCP/IP networking services on computers in the workplace.
Plan for the future and design a solution based on user requirements. Explain business continuity, back up and disaster recovery. Understand troubleshooting and quality consumer support.


商科计算机信息系统(CIS)领域目前与密歇根大学迪尔伯恩分校有一个2+2转学学位项目,与东密歇根大学有两个2+2转学学位项目. In addition, we have one 3+1 transfer degree program with Siena Heights University.

2+2转学学位课程意味着你在MCCC完成指定的应用科学副学士学位课程之一,然后你可以无缝地转学到指定的四年制大学之一,获得计算机和信息系统理学学士学位, 计算机工程学士学位或计算机信息系统工商管理学士学位.

锡耶纳高地大学的3+1转学学位课程意味着您完成任何计算机信息系统应用科学副学士学位课程,并按照MCCC的学费率额外学习30个小时的MCCC CIS和/或其他MCCC课程,然后无缝转学到锡耶纳高地大学参加最后30个小时的锡耶纳高地课程(就在这里)MCCC校园)以获得应用科学学士学位.

计算机信息系统 Contact Information


Associate Professor of 计算机信息系统
手机图标 (734) 384-4148