Health and Wellness: Supplements for Overall Health

via Zoom

Maddy Goulet will present on vitamins, minerals and protein supplements for overall health.

Maddison Goulet, Health Educator, Monroe County Health Department will present.  Maddy Goulet recently began her journey at the Monroe County Health Department as a Health Educator. Maddy’s academic background includes earning both her undergraduate degree in public health education and a master of public health degree at Central Michigan University (Fire Up Chips!). Her passions lie in working collaboratively with others and educating individuals to enhance their health and wellness. Working with youth and advocating to ensure their voices are heard is a cause close to her heart. Outside of work hours, you can find Maddy walking her 3-year-old Cockapoo Harley, traveling, or probably taking a spin class at CycleBar!

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Passcode: 848399

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